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Fraternal Order of Police
Durham County Lodge 2
Durham FOP Lodge 2 is currently running a fundraiser from August 12 – September 30, 2024.
If you would like to donate to the fundraiser, we have a safe, secure, and contact free way of receiving those donations. Thank you for your support towards our organization.
Click here to donate now. ​
Welcome to the Durham County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 2 website. The Durham FOP is comprised of more than 500 law enforcement officers and we represent local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.
A major difference between the Fraternal Order of Police and other law enforcement organizations is the fact that our organization is actually law enforcement officers representing law enforcement officers. In other words, all lodge officers from the National FOP Lodge, State FOP Lodges, and Local FOP Lodges are either active or retired law enforcement officers.
The Fraternal Order of Police continues to grow, support our members, and improve our law enforcement profession because we are…
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